Road Map for 2022 Jan 18, 2022Our plans for 2022 envision the use of Genode for advanced mobile use cases such as video chat. Following Genode's major technical breakthroughs in the areas of reusing Linux drivers, hardware-accelerated graphics, and the native execution of Chromium during 2021, we will pursue mobile usability as overarching theme in 2022. Specifically, we aspire the routine use of Genode on the PinePhone as a platform for video chat, using WireGuard to protect the communications. This vision motivates a large variety of challenging technical topics. To name a few, we have to squeeze good performance out of the resource-constrained PinePhone hardware, focus on UI latency and the quality of service of audio streaming, come up with a somewhat usable touch-based user interface, and get to the guts of power management. Aside this guiding theme, we put a broad update of our PC drivers on our agenda so that Sculpt OS remains a suitable basis for our day-to-day computing needs on recent generations of Intel hardware. As an additional line of development, we are excited to intensify the combination of Genode with reconfigurable hardware. More information about our review of the past year, this year's focus, and a rough schedule are presented at our official road-map page. |